The Winner Is...
What is a Triple Notch Award?
Criteria for Nominations & Winners
The Three Notch Awards are determined through a collaborative process involving both judges and membership voting. This transparent and collaborative approach ensures fairness and honors excellence in every aspect of Newtowne Players’ productions.
Here’s how it works:
Here’s how it works:
- Selection: A panel of nine judges is assembled at the beginning of each season. These judges include volunteers from within and outside the membership who have some background in theatre, such as experience working on productions or frequent attendance at theatrical events.
- Eligibility: Judges must not participate in any capacity in the shows they are scoring to maintain impartiality. If a judge becomes involved with a show, they are required to abstain from scoring that specific production.
- Scoring: For each production, the Awards Committee provides judges with a scoring form that includes the relevant categories and nominees. Judges assign scores on a scale from 1 to 10, with a "5" representing the standard for an average Newtowne Players production.
Nomination Process
- Each production team provides a categorized list of technical participants and performers and then provides it to the Awards Committee.
- The Awards Committee compiles these submissions into a comprehensive form, which is distributed to the judges for scoring throughout the season.
Membership Voting
- At the end of the season, the judges' scores for each category are averaged to determine the top contenders.
- The Awards Committee then circulates the list of top nominees to the general membership for voting. An online form is used to rank nominees on the same 1-10 scale.
- Members who have not seen a particular show or performance can leave those categories blank. These blank responses do not impact the overall scores.
Want to vote during the next award season?
Click the button bellow to become a member!
Click the button bellow to become a member!
Determing Winners
- Once membership voting concludes, the average scores from the membership votes are combined with the judges' average scores.
- The nominee with the highest combined average in each category is declared the winner.
- Winners are announced and celebrated at the Winter Awards Banquet, marking the culmination of the season.